Rifle building

Best Vanguard 3-Line Rifle Class: Loadout, Attachments, and Perks

The Vanguard 3-Line Rifle is a weapon players may be familiar with, appearing in Call of Duty: WWII. With the correct loadout, this sniper rifle can do a ton of damage, so here are the attachments and perks you need to use to make the best Vanguard 3-Line rifle loadout.

Call of Duty: Vanguard has plenty of weapon options for players to use in multiplayer, with some more suited to the long-range style of play than others. The 3-Line Rifle has quickly established itself as one of Vanguard’s best quick-range weapons and that holds true in Season 2 Reloaded, as Vanguard Snipers received a major buff with the update.

Players who like to shoot will appreciate the 3 line rifle, a fast-firing sniper rifle that is any long-range specialist’s dream, especially when using Vanguard’s finest 3-line rifle loadout.

Best Vanguard 3-Line Rifle Gunsmith Loadout Accessories

  • Barrel: Rifle Voz 270MM
  • Muzzle: L Brake
  • Store: Custom ZAC MZ
  • Sub-barrel: Mark VI Skeleton
  • Rear handle: Fabric handle
  • Ammunition type: Elongate
  • Skill: Sleight of hand
  • Pencil case: deep breath

First of all, the Rifle Voz 270MM The barrel will help improve ADS speed for the best Vanguard 3-Line Rifle loadout, allowing players to get out of those fast scopes while maintaining accuracy. While this attachment decreases some of the weapon’s damage range, we’ve found that the pros outweigh the cons.

the Custom ZAC MZ The stock will further improve the ADS speed of the 3-Line Rifle while providing additional recoil control, allowing players to stay on target and shoot as quickly as possible.

Moving on, we have the Fabric handle, a great accessory for this sniper as it provides even more ADS speed. These ADS speed upgrades are essential for the best loading of the Vanguard 3-Line Rifle, as the weapon is extremely heavy and slow without them.

vanguard sniper

As for the new addition to Call of DutyAmmo type, we’ve gone with Extended, which will increase bullet speed, making your bullets hit harder at greater distances.

As for the skill slot, Sleight of hand will greatly help when using the best Vanguard 3-Line rifle loadout, or any long range weapon in general, as snipers are notorious for their slow reload times.

Last, but not least, we have the deep breath kit, which allows players to hold their breath longer and stabilize their aim when looking down and fire more accurate shots with the best Vanguard 3-Line rifle.

Best Perks To Run With The Vanguard 3 Line Rifle

vanguard phantom perk
  • Advantage 1: Phantom
  • Advantage 2: High alert
  • Advantage 3: Exaggerated

For the first benefit, Phantom is a must for any sniper loadout, as staying hidden and keeping your location inconspicuous is key when it comes to maintaining lines of sight with a sniper.

For the second advantage, High alert is a great option, as it will give you information on when an enemy is targeting you, allowing you to move or locate the enemy and eliminate them.

Our final perk pick is Exaggeratedwhich allows the player to carry two primary weapons, a big advantage for a sniper loadout as it means you can carry an SMG or something close range when in a close engagement.

How to Unlock the 3 Line Rifle in Vanguard

3 line rifle in Vanguard

To unlock the 3 Line Rifle in Vanguard Multiplayer, players must reach Level 22.

It’s pretty early in the ranks, so players shouldn’t have too much trouble unlocking the sniper quickly.

Better Alternatives

Some alternatives to Vanguard’s best 3-line rifle gear are the Kar98k, another great sniper choice, or the Whitley, a powerful long-range LMG that can do serious damage from a distance.

There is no doubt that players will be successful against their opponents if they enter the battlefield with the best Vanguard 3 Line Rifle gear equipped.

For more on Call of Duty: Vanguard, check out our explanation of Vanguard’s Ranking and Ranked Play Skill Scale.

Image Credits: Activision/Sledgehammer Games